Welcome to the Thurstable School Science department. Here you will find all the information you need to get to know our team, our curriculum and our facilities. We hope you enjoy what you see. 

Department Staff

Mr S Lane - Senior Leader for Science

Miss H Bond - Second in Science

Mr C Gay - Head of Chemistry

Mrs H Watling - Science Teacher and Assistant Headteacher

Mr E Turner - Science Teacher And Assistant Headteacher

Mr M Higgins - Science Teacher and Assistant Headteacher

Miss M Greenwood - Science Teacher

Mrs Y Fox - Science Teacher

Mrs C Diggins - Head of Biology

Mrs R Rose - Science Teacher

Mrs C Beech - Science Teacher

Mrs A Etherington - Senior Science Technician (Chemistry)

Mrs S Cook - Science Technician (Physics)

Mrs L Wood - Science Technician (Biology)

Curriculum Intent

We have a curriculum which aims to provide students with a secure broad knowledge of the main concepts which underpin all scientific phenomena. In addition to the National Curriculum set out by the DfE, we also plan to develop units unique to our KS3 curriculum which are current and even more relevant to a modern world. Students will join us as novices and leave as accomplished scientists. They will be able to use scientific enquiry appropriately to question their environment and design suitable experiments to prove or disprove their theories. They will be able to accurately use domain specific language and make sense of scientific information out of context. Students will develop analytical and reasoning skills and be required to think hard. 


Biology Topics

Topic 1 – Key concepts in biology, 

Topic 2 – Cells and control, Topic 3 – Genetics, 

Topic 4 – Natural selection and genetic modification, 

Topic 5 – Health, disease and the development of medicines

Topic 6 – Plant structures and their functions, 

Topic 7 – Animal coordination, control and homeostasis, 

Topic 8 – Exchange and transport in animals, 

Topic 9 – Ecosystems and material cycles

Triple Biology Additional Topics

No additional major topics. Additional content within the previous 9 topics which distinguishes Triple science from Combined.

Chemistry Topics

Topic 1 – Key concepts in chemistry, 

Topic 2 – States of matter and mixtures, 

Topic 3 – Chemical changes, Topic 4 – Extracting metals and equilibria

Topic 6 – Groups in the periodic table

Topic 7 – Rates of reaction and energy changes

Topic 8 – Fuels and Earth science

Triple Chemistry Additional Topics

Topic 5 – Separate chemistry 1

Topic 9 - Separate chemistry 2

Physics Topics

Topic 1 – Key concepts of physics 

Topic 2 – Motion and forces, Topic 3 – Conservation of energy

Topic 4 – Waves

Topic 5 – Light and the electromagnetic spectrum

Topic 6 – Radioactivity

Topic 8 – Energy - Forces doing work 

Topic 9 – Forces and their effects

Topic 10 – Electricity and circuits

Topic 12 – Magnetism and the motor effect

Topic 13 – Electromagnetic induction 

Topic 14 – Particle model

Topic 15 – Forces and matter

Triple Physics Additional Topics

Topic 7 - Astronomy

Topic 11 – Static electricity


Biology Paper 1

Combined: Topics 1-5

Triple: Topics 1-5

Chemistry Paper 1

Combined: Topics 1-4

Triple: Topics 1-5

Physics Paper 1

Combined: Topics 1-6

Triple: Topics 1-7

Biology Paper 2

Combined: Topics 1, 6-9

Triple: Topics 1, 6-9

Chemistry Paper 2

Combined: Topics 1, 6-8

Triple: Topics 1, 6-9

Physics Paper 2

Combined: Topics 1, 8-10, 12-15

Triple: Topics 1, 8-15Facilities

Biology - OCR A

Chemistry - OCR A

Physics - OCR A


The science department has 9 fully equipped teaching laboratories which have all recently been upgraded to include the latest technology required for effective teaching and learning. This includes dual screens in many rooms so that students all have a good view of teaching materials, a staff visualiser for modelling and sharing good practice, graphics tablets allowing staff to draw digital diagrams and interact with content in new ways and state of the art high resolution projectors. 

Each room has its own set of basic laboratory equipment and the prep rooms are stocked with up-to-date equipment to provide students with access to excellent practical work and limited sharing. 


The science department runs an exciting STEM club for students. The club is split into two phases to suit each Key Stage. KS3 STEM focuses on VEX Robotics. KS4 STEM have access to a range of exciting competitions and events, including rocketry, engaging in local projects such as those with Colchester Zoo and going on trips to STEM based events such as The Big Bang Roadshow and STEM events at Colchester University Centre Braintree.

In addition, the department aims to enrich student experiences by offering a range of visits and trips to all students. In previous years we have taken students to visit CERN, the International Body World’s exhibit, lectures from key figures including Professor Robert Winston and much more.

Useful Links

Educake - 

Kay Science - 

Youtube Channels