Thurstable has a total of 17 governors which include parents, staff and representatives from the local community. Governors attend Full Governing Body meetings that take place at least once a term and also serve on one of the three committees that monitor every aspect of the School – Pupil Related and Curriculum; Finance, General Purposes and Audit; Personnel and Pay.

Although the Governing Body is ultimately responsible for the whole School and controls the strategic direction the School takes, it is not directly involved in the day-to-day management, which is the responsibility of the Headteacher. Our aim as a Governing Body is to support and challenge the School to ensure that every student reaches their full potential whilst they are at Thurstable.

All aspects of the School’s work are important to us and are underpinned by our core values: Be More, Achieve More, Belong More. The quality of our teaching and learning continues to be a priority as we work towards improving attainment across all subjects within the School, particularly in the key areas of English, Mathematics and Science. However, we are justly proud of our other achievements in helping students to leave us as independent, well rounded individuals ready to take on the challenges of the world outside.

For further details about the work of the Governing Body, please contact the Chair of Governors, Neal Phillips via the School email: