Whilst there is no legal definition of bullying, Thurstable School sees bullying as behaviour that is repeated, or perceived to be repeated, and the intention behind the behaviour is to cause harm, whether physical or emotional. The school also recognises that bullying can occur when it is directed at an individual because he or she belongs to particular group, such as a group based on race, religion, gender or sexual orientation. Bullying is also seen as taking many forms which include, but are not limited to, physical assault, making threats, teasing and name calling, and social exclusion. Bullying happens in schools but also happens out of school. It may be done in person, or behind someone’s back or on-line. This last category is known as cyberbullying.

The school recognises that bullying behaviour is often persistent and it is often difficult for those being bullied to solve the problem for themselves. The reasons for bullying behaviour are often complex and Thurstable School acknowledges that often there is no “quick fix” with regard to individual cases. However, the school is committed to supporting all students who feel they are being bullied and taking sufficient action for the bullying to stop.

What if I or my child is being bullied?

The most important thing to do is to speak to someone: no action can be taken if no one knows about the bullying. The school recognises this can be difficult but has a strong pastoral team you can rely on.

Please speak to the relevant tutor, Pastoral Support Officer or Head of Year – or any adult you trust.

More information and support can be found at the following websites;

Childline (0800 1111)

The Samaritans (08457 909090)


Whisper is an anonymous reporting service set up so that parents and students can report any issues or problems regarding child safety and bullying.

All messages will be sent to the designated safeguarding lead, Mrs Watling, at Thurstable School which will then be picked up promptly.

Click HERE to submit an anonymous report.


Send a text from your phone

THU1 + your message to 078600 21584