Uniform & Equipment

Equipment To Learn

To ensure that all students are ready and equipped to learn there is a compulsory school equipment list. The items listed below are required at all times and regular checks are made to ensure that the students have the correct equipment that they need for their lessons. If students in Years 7 and 8 do not have on them every item on the list at the time of an equipment check, or if students in years 9-11 do not have all of the items with the exception of the knowledge organiser, an E3 demerit will be recorded. 

Students have the opportunity to purchase equipment from this list during the school day (with the exception of the knowledge organiser which must be requested through the HoY). Students can buy the following equipment at the following prices from the canteen or snack shacks at break or lunchtime using their dinner cards:

Black Pens (20p)

Whiteboard Pens (40p)

Purple pens (20p)

Pencils (20p)

Ruler (40p)

Students can purchase pens and pencils from the canteen or snack shacks.

Minimum Compulsory Equipment:

All Students:

Years 7-9 Only: