Statutory Information

Our partnership with our parents is a cornerstone of our success as a school, and of our continuing improvement. Our parents recognise that we share a responsibility for the education of their individual children, and for the continued success of their school.

Thurstable School is an academy in Tiptree.

Address: Maypole Road, Colchester, Essex, CO5 0EW

Telephone: 01621 816526


The government stipulates that we must publish specific information on our school website to comply with The School Information (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2012. We also comply with guidance from the Department for Education on what academies should publish online.

Contact details

Mr J Ketley, Headteacher

Mr N Phillips, Chair of Governors

Mr D Raleigh, SEN Co-ordinator

Mrs J Baldry, Admission arrangements

Ofsted Report

Click Here to view report.

Exam & Assessment Results

Key Stage 4 (KS4) results include:

Key Stage 5 (16 to 19) results include:

External Examination Results


Behaviour Policy and Exclusions

The school’s behaviour policy.

The school's anti-bullying policy 

Pupil Premium

Review of the previous strategy and the current three year Pupil Premium Strategy plan is available here.

Information about our Year 7 literacy and numeracy and Catch Up Premium.

Special Educational Needs (SEN) report

The school’s policy for students with Special Educational Needs.

The school's SEN information report.

The school's accessibility plan.

Careers Programme Information

Information about the school's career programme can be found here

Equality Objectives

The school's equality policy can be found here.

Complaints policy

The school's complaints policy.

The school's whistleblowing policy can be found here.

Annual Reports and Accounts

Financial information about the academy can be found below

Financial Statements For The Year Ended 31 August 2022

Financial Statements For The Year Ended 31 August 2023

Governors' Information and Duties

Governors' information can be found here and on the sub-pages.

Charging and Remissions Policies

The schools charging and remissions policy which are extracted from our Finance Policy.

Values and Ethos

Our Vision

Should a parent or carer require a copy of any of the above information, we will be happy to provide it free of charge. Please contact us.