Reading Interventions

Reading in lessons & Vocabulary 

Phonics Programme - Read Write Inc. 

Students who require phonics intervention work on the Read Write Inc Fresh Start Phonics programme. This programme is designed to catch older struggling readers up quickly with a combination of phonics and reading pitched to the interests of older readers. 

Supported Reading Programme - Direct Instruction 

We ensure that we are supporting readers who are well below their age related expectation and provide a targeted intervention through the small group Direct Instruction classes which take place during the TLR sessions.  These focus on both phonic and decoding skills to ensure increased fluency of reading. 

Paired Reading 

There is also a paired reading scheme in place for KS3 students which is aimed at increasing reading confidence and fluency. We also use paired reading with our phonics programme students. The Toe by Toe resources has 20 minute phonics drills which are used by staff when reading with students.