Free School Meals

If you register for free school meals then your child will get a free meal every day they are here and the school will get extra Pupil Premium funding to put towards the cost of educating your child.

The free school meal entitlement is £2.40. It is credited to the student’s lunch account on a daily basis. This amount can only be spent on that day at break or lunch time.  (NB. Any unspent allowance will not be transferred to the following day). Additional money can be added to the student’s account by the method mentioned above by parents/carers.

Here are just a few things we could do with the money:  

Please register as soon as possible to make sure your child doesn’t miss out.

You may be entitled to free school meals for your child(ren) if you receive one of the following benefits:

How I register? 

Registering for Free School Meals will not affect any other benefits you are claiming.