Our Special Needs coordinator (SEND) is Mr David Raleigh

SEND Provision & Offer

Thurstable School  is an 11-18 comprehensive secondary school which admits students to the school in line with the school’s admission procedure. Thurstable takes a whole school inclusive approach to students with special educational needs, recognising that the aims of the school are the same for all students, whatever their abilities and we all can be supported to be the best versions of ourselves. 

The school believes that all children and young people are entitled to an education that enables them to succeed and thrive, to build knowledge and grow their character.  Quality first teaching is at the heart of ensuring that SEND students are supported in the classrooms by teachers who are skilled, have had significant SEND training and have high expectations of SEND students and can adapt their teaching to provide the necessary scaffolding needed. 

Student support may be within lesson time, in a one to one session, in a small group or can be support ‘behind the scenes’ (which can involve the LSAs and teaching staff working collaboratively to provide adapted resources).  Our support takes many forms, for example literacy, maths, reading, social and emotional skills. 

The SEND department is a diverse, experienced and enthusiastic team with a range of skills.  Support is provided in a flexible and child centred way and the Learning Support Centre has expanded significantly in the last two years and we now have four designated areas:

Our aim is to identify children with special educational needs, assess those needs in consultation with the parents and the children themselves, and plan an appropriate graduated response. We will seek to meet children’s needs in stages, matching the level of help to the needs of the child. Progress will be reviewed regularly and parents will be consulted and kept informed.

All students with special educational needs are allocated a key worker who will make contact with parents if the need arises as well as arranging meetings throughout the year. The SEND department is an approachable and friendly team who aim to answer any queries and take action to resolve them swiftly and efficiently.  Parents are welcome to contact the school in order to discuss their children’s needs. There are regular parents’ evenings throughout the year, but parents can make an appointment to discuss their child’s progress with Heads of Year or the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCO) at any time.

To contact our team, please email sendco@thurstable.co.uk