Mrs V Gray
Main Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)
Mrs S Shepherd
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL)
Ensuring the safety and well-being of students at Thurstable School is our top priority. We therefore have policies and procedures that surround the issue of safeguarding young people.
Safeguarding means that we aim to ensure the well-being of students both emotionally and physically, and will take steps in order to ensure that young people are not at risk, either from themselves or from others.
The steps that the school might take include;
meeting with the young person to explore the issue
meeting with the parent/s or guardian to explore the issue
liaising and meeting with other agencies or professionals who are involved with the young person or family (for example, EWMHS, Family Solutions, Young Carers, Children’s Society)
making a referral to Social Services and liaising with them
Social Services are first and foremost a preventative agency: they seek to support families to get back on track and make change happen in their lives to ensure that young people are kept safe. It is with this in mind that the school might refer to Social Services: to seek support for the family and young person. Unless the risk is presented by the parents or guardians, the school will either consult with them about the referral or inform them that a referral is taking place.
The Prevent Strategy
Prevent aims to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism. Prevent is part of the safeguarding work that Thurstable School undertakes. All staff have had training in regards to the Prevent duty. There is also a section within the safeguarding policy which addresses the concept of anti-radicalisation.
What to do if you feel that a young person is at risk
If you are a student at the school;
Tell a member of staff about it if you’re in school;
Tell your parents or guardian about it if you’re at home;
Call Childline (0800 1111) or The Samaritans (08457 909090) Information on other places of support can be found here.
How To Report A Concern About A Child
If you are a student at the school;
Tell a member of staff about it if you’re in school;
Tell your parents or guardian about it if you’re at home;
Call Childline (0800 1111) or The Samaritans (08457 909090) Information on other places of support can be found here.
If you are a parent:
You can contact the Safeguarding Team at the school on 01621 816526
– Mrs V Gray (Designated Safeguarding Lead)
– Mrs S Shepherd (Main Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead)
– An alternative point of contact is your child’s Head of Year
More information on safeguarding in Essex can be found through the following link
Please remember that anyone can report a safeguarding concern.
Whisper is an anonymous reporting service set up so that parents and students can report any issues or problems regarding child safety and bullying.
All messages will be sent to the designated safeguarding lead, Mrs Watling, at Thurstable School which will then be picked up promptly.
Click HERE to submit an anonymous report.
Send a text from your phone
THU1 + your message to 078600 21584