Thurstable's Inclusion, Diversity and Equity Club, or TIDE, has evolved from our LGBTQIA+ group that was founded in March 2022. We run two sessions per week: Monday afterschool and Thursday lunchtime. The Thursday lunchtime meeting predominantly serves as a safe space for students to come and feel part of a diverse community within Thurstable, whereas Monday is our day of action. On a Monday we meet to discuss issues that we feel need addressing or to share ideas on how we can help support others in the club - or the wider school community too. This is also our chance to watch documentaries (and clips from TV or film) about racism/homophobia as well as disability awareness, and discuss their impact, and what we can do to embed the idea of inclusion, diversity and equity here at Thurstable.

Help & Support

Historically, LGBTQIA+ people are at an increased risk of suffering with mental health issues because of some things that we experience. Including discrimination, homophobia or transphobia, social isolation, rejection, and difficult experiences of coming out. 

There are lots of services available for the LGBTQIA+ community, be that for their own mental health and support, or for parents, guardians, friends and families who may be struggling to accept/support an individual experiencing any of these things.

Here are a handful that we have found that may be helpful:

The Out House


LGBTQ Foundation

Mermaids UK


Educate & Celebrate

Gender Intelligence


The Proud Trust

The Trevor Project

Switchboard Helpline

Just Like Us